Eastern Sierra Electric Vehicle Association
Local Incentives and Home Charging Info
Q. How much does it cost to charge at home?
A. Time of use (TOU) rates from Southern California Edison (SCE) is available for as low as 12 cents a kWh. On average, a polluting gas car driving in Mammoth Lakes will cost you 3.5 times more for energy than a cleaner fueled electric car.
Q. What incentives are offered by SCE to offset the costs of EV purchase and home charging installation?
A. Cash rebate to you for your purchase of new or used EV.
SCE Clean Fuel Rewards Program
Visit:https://evrebates.sce.com/cleanfuel $450 SCE Charge Ready Program
Total possible rebates: $950-1,950
Q. Where can I buy home charging equipment (EVSE)? How much do they cost?
A. Home chargers range start at $499+. Popular brands are Clipper Creek and Aeroenvironment
www.ClipperCreek.com and www.smile.amazon.com*
Q. How do I find a qualified electrician to install my charger? How much does it cost to install?
A. Installation costs vary depending on the complexity of your job, typically between $350-600.
For referrals to qualified electricians, Contact ESEVA President, Don Condon.
*Please select Electric Auto as your charity of choice for .5% of purchases to be donated to EAA.
Electric Auto Association is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization.